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Incidents In Seattle Report

This project was made for a Seattle real estate company so they could knowledgeably decide where to focus their business to be able to claim that their advertised locations are safe. It uses Seattle's 911 Incident Report data set as well as data from the real estate company. This project showcases my ability to go through a data set, clean it, and create meaningful visualizations.

Sum of Seattle Incidents Per Neighborhood

Sum of Incidents per Neighborhood

I chose to do a bar graph of the sum of all incidents in Seattle neighborhoods that way the real estate company can easily see which locations have the most occurrences of incidents that required Seattle 911 response. I chose the color scheme to visually allow the user to associate the neighborhoods with the most incidents as "the worst."

Relevant Incidents Per Neighborhood

Relevant Incidents Per Neighborhood

This data visualization is useful because the dataset of Seattle 911 Incidents doesn't necessarily have only information that is relevant to the safety of the area, for example, traffic violations. This visualization categorizes occurences of instances that are more relevant, such as assault, auto theft, and burglary as shown. This allows the viewer to look at relevant data and compare neighborhoods based on incidents that they especially want to consider.

Map of Unsafe Neighborhoods

Map of Unsafe Neighborhoods

This is a map that shows places of high to low incident occurence only for the areas the real estate company is interested in having business in, rather than all of the greater Seattle area.

Incidents in Seattle: Services
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